Catching my breath

It’s crazy to look back and realize that I haven’t worked on this site or my podcast in two years! I intentionally stepped away during the excitement and adjustment of a new job, but time definitely slipped away from me. The great news is that I have an entire series of episodes ready to record. I’ll be adding a guest co-host to each episode, so I am working on the upgrade to my gear to record two people. New series coming this fall!

So now I’m going to catch my breath and get ready for the next push. You know that moment before you burst out of the blocks in a race… or dive into the pool to swim laps… or step on the stage to speak or sing? You take a deep breath and focus. That’s me. I have been in a full “run” for the last two years. It has been educational, challenging and truly fulfilling. Submitting your future, ambition and passions to God can feel scary sometimes. Releasing control usually is. It’s hard to feel like you don’t have a handle on what will happen. When you care so much, it’s a natural instinct to want to hold on tight.

Yet after a unique year of fully taking my hands off the wheel from August 2020 - August 2021, God soundly reminded me that He is much better at navigating my future than I have ever been. In His kindness, He has led our family to an incredible church. I am still so humbled and grateful that I get to put my career energy 100% into pastoral ministry, but 12Stone Church is also a home for my family. We are all growing, learning and building lifelong relationships there. It is such a gift!

So I’m excited to jump back in to sharing things I’m learning, in the hopes that it may connect to something you’re going through. We’re in this together! The world around us grows more complex, but the light of faith in Jesus is stronger than ever.


Selfless Leadership